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Blue Line 4R: Unit 4

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Write your words! Your English book will help!

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Blue Line 4R: Unit 4Versión en línea

Write your words! Your English book will help!

por Mittelschule Landau

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I love watching ice games .
I will be there in a .
The US shares a with Canada .
The is full of amazing wildlife .
We saw a in the forest .
I like pizza and pasta .
The first American was Jamestown .
She speaks very well .
I am a new language .
My neighbor is .


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The people live in the Arctic .
Our won the competition .
The was so much fun .
I need to my .
We watched a new last night .
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Let's take a together !
He is developing new .
Make sure you respect laws .
She has many on social media .


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Please my post .
I watched a to learn how to draw .
He will the broken window .
The was really exciting .
I filled out an for the job .
The greeted us at the hotel .
The asked for extra towels .
I am my lost keys .
She has a lot of in customer .
Good communication is an important .


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The company me a job .
The is very competitive .
The job includes sessions .
I updated my for the job application .
I wrote a letter .
Sir or Madam , please consider my application .
I want to an this summer .
The agent's office is on Main Street .
She is very during interviews .
He is a worker .


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Yours , John Smith .
The railway is always busy .
The connects many cities .
She has hours .
The shop is open for long .
I have my school certificate .
The staff at the hotel were very .
The travel helped us book our trip .
We to visit Paris next year .
She makes for restaurants .


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A degree is a for many jobs .
is an important industry .
She is very at her job .
Please write your on the envelope .
My date is July 15 , 2005 .
He has a good .
I attended school in New York .
I went to primary in my hometown .
My friend is learning .
I have a strong in science .


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She asked her teacher for a .
I am to meet anytime .
I have a to make .
The of the discussion was climate change .
The race was 5 long .

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