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Smog Free Park Fill in the Blanks

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Fill in the Blanks with keywords from a story about Beijing's smog problem and the creation of a smog free park.

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Smog Free Park Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the Blanks with keywords from a story about Beijing's smog problem and the creation of a smog free park.

marco rabadan

dispersed incentive Beijing predominantly undergone spits commonplace required

- " I was in on a 32nd floor from a building looking at the . . . from my room to the city . It was completely covered with smog , it was sort of like a veil of dust of pollution . And I looked at it and I was like : " Wow ! This is . . . you know . . . this is also what technology can do . It can liberate us , but it can also cost eight years of our life , or gives children lung cancer on the early stage so I was like . . . how about we should do something with that , you know ? " And that was the beginning of the smog free park . "

China is home to a population of about 1 . 4 billion people and has serious economic and industrial growth over the last 30 years . Beijing has one of the world's largest manufacturing economies , which has a ton of energy . That energy has been powered by coal , which is still burnt for the production of electricity , heat , and industrial purposes . The use of coal has led to a massive air pollution problem laying a thick veil of smog on Chinese mega cities .

- " So one day , I think I was on the 32nd floor of my room in Beijing , and I looked outside . . . outside in my window and there was nothing I could see anymore because the whole city was sort of covered with smog and I was looking at it and I was like . " Huh ! But maybe we can do something with that , with the smog particles . " And that was the beginning of the smog free park . "

- So how does the actual technology work ? How does it pull smog out of the air ?

- " So the technology that we use is an ionic technology because the standard filter technology ? which is out there ? does not get the small PM 2 . 5 particles . It's a weird thing , the smaller the particles , the less you see them , but the deeper they get into your body , which makes them the more dangerous . But what we did is teaming up with experts who have done a lot of new technologies in hospitals setting to purify the air , and they developed a sort of ionic field , which charges the neutral floating small particles in a positive way . And then we have a negatively charged area you filter it , and literally building the largest electronic vacuum cleaner in the world , which sucks up dirty air , out clean air . And therefore , creating the cleanest park in Beijing . "

- " This is the stuff we where sucking up . And this is Beijing's smog . And so we are actually breathing this , us human beings . "

- Yeah , It's easy to forget about it when it is in the air and , but when you are looking at like that . . . in this close - up . . .

- " It's is incredibly disgusting . "

- It's black . . . powder .

- " This kind of projects you know , when you . . . when you launch it , there're always 5 , 000 people telling you : " It can never be done . " " It already exists . " And so we sort of decided to lovingly ignore them , and say : " OK , this is not the solution for smog . " But by creating a place which is 75 percent more clean , uses around eleven . . . fifteen hundred watts for the whole area ? similar to standard electronic vacuum cleaner ? you can give people a sensation of how the future can feel like . And that was I think the most powerful that we wanted to make . "

- You are sort of dangling the carrot in front of them , and saying : " This is what you can have if the behavior changes . "

- So , on that note , you mentioned European industrialization , and certainly during the U . S . Industrial Revolution . . .

- " Yeah , like its riots and all these facts , yeah . . . "

- Absolutely , we produced a ton of our own carbon , a ton of our own problems , and how do we help promote growth in developing nations without promoting pollution ?

- " We have to be creative , and we have to stop making an existing system ten percent less worse , but we have to invest in new ideas , new dreams , new opportunities . And this is on one hand about high technology , but the other hand a desire to be a curious , and to make new things happen , and let's hope it's enough , you know . "

So Roosegaarde admits that this is not a solution to our environmental crisis , but in a place like China where smog is , this at least offers a glimpse of what life can be like if we took the steps toward a cleaner planet .

- OK , I know what I want to say . . . Oh my God ! Holy . . . . , man ! That was so quiet ?