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Personality B1+

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Personality B1+Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

daring full kind moody advance soul intellectual vivid come box humble

1 . She has a imagination and often creates interesting stories .
2 . Can you up with an idea for the project by tomorrow ?
3 . We need to book the tickets in to get good seats .
4 . My grandmother is very - hearted and always helps others .
5 . To solve this problem , we need to think outside the .
6 . He made a decision to start his own business .
7 . She enjoys conversations about science and history .
8 . Despite his success , he remains and friendly .
9 . Sometimes she can be a bit , especially when she's tired .
10 . At every party , he is always the life and of the party .
11 . Don't be so of yourself ; try to listen to others' opinions too .

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