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Blue Line 3R: Unit 4

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Write your words! Your English book will help!

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Blue Line 3R: Unit 4Versión en línea

Write your words! Your English book will help!

por Mittelschule Landau

beautiful space center stands example Earth connected vacation example European Native

The is where astronauts train .
is the third planet from the sun .
The American culture is very rich .
explorers came to America long ago .
For , apples and oranges are fruits .
An of a mammal is a dog .
The flag for freedom and unity .
Staying with friends is important .
We are planning a to the beach .
The flowers in the garden are .


least important each post nation video other difficult difficult reservation media most important share

The celebrated its independence day .
Many Native Americans live on a .
Social helps us stay connected .
I want to this funny with you .
We should help with homework .
She likes to pictures of herself .
Health is the thing in life .
It is to eat healthy food .
This puzzle is the one .
Some math problems are to solve .


camp rafting in rafting interested 200th Less went movie useful careful newspaper

I read an interesting article in the .
sugar is better for your health .
I am very science .
We watched a last night .
The summer was a lot of fun .
Learning new skills is .
We are going this weekend .
The team down the river .
I have told that joke for the time .
Be when crossing the street .


over wake down over wave store leader turn fall raft up brave current out rapid

A good helps their team succeed .
The floated smoothly the river .
The firefighter saved the cat .
The knocked over my sandcastle .
The carried the boat quickly .
We walked the bridge to get to the park .
The canoe might if we're not careful .
Be careful not to of the boat .
I need to early for school .
We bought snacks from the .


kick basket score base goalpost indoor batter oval field through Baseball

The soccer was wet from the rain .
He managed to the winning goal .
She will the ball into the goal .
The shape of the ball is .
The ball went the .
is a popular sport in the US .
The hit the ball hard .
The runner reached first safely .
We played an game when it rained .
He made a and scored two points .


percent motivate jump subject cheerleader die Cheerleading bounce profile penfriend

You need to the ball in basketball .
is a popular activity at school .
The led the crowd in a chant .
Coaches help to their teams .
The frog can very high .
He got 100 on his test .
My favorite in school is science .
She has a detailed on social media .
I have a who lives in Japan .
The character in the story did not .


townhouse café festival theater yourself favourite Math

They live in a nice .
You should believe in .
My color is blue .
can be challenging but fun .
We watched a play at the .
The music was very exciting .
We had lunch at a small .

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