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Common Collocations B1+

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Common Collocations B1+Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

come met face pros nap reach exerted launch

1 . The software update the requirements set by the development team and was released on schedule .
2 . The two countries worked diligently to an agreement on trade regulations .
3 . Apple is expected to a new product in its lineup of wearable technology .
4 . She decided to confess her mistake and the music rather than hide the truth .
5 . They spent hours weighing all and cons before deciding to move to a new city .
6 . The company a lot of pressure on employees to meet the quarterly sales targets .
7 . Learning how to code can in handy for various tech - related jobs .
8 . You should take a if you're feeling tired before the long drive .

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