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Holiday Idioms_Controlled practice_OV

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Holiday Idioms_Controlled practice_OVVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps


lease hair steer whale hit suitcase away itchy off in

As summer approached , Mark began to get feet . The city life was wearing him down , and he longed for a change of scenery . One morning , with a spark of spontaneity , he decided to the road . Packing only the essentials , he resolved to travel light .
With a small backpack , he felt the freedom of living out of his . Mark had no particular destination in mind ; he just wanted to get from it all . So , he chose to explore places the beaten track , seeking the tranquility that the countryside promised .
On the first day of his journey , Mark found himself in a village in the hills . The locals recommended a hidden trail leading to a waterfall . As he trekked through the forest , he was careful to clear of the slippery rocks and overgrown roots . When he finally reached the waterfall , he was captivated by its pristine beauty . He let his down , feeling the cool mist on his face , and knew he had made the right decision .
The days that followed were filled with similar adventures . Mark discovered lakes , meadows , and charming cottages . He was truly his element , enjoying the peace and simplicity of his surroundings . Each evening , he would call it a night under a blanket of stars , feeling more energized than he had in years .
One afternoon , while hiking , he saw a small vineyard . The owners welcomed him warmly , offering a tour and a taste of their finest wines . He spent the evening with them , sharing stories and laughter , and had a of a time . Their hospitality and the beauty of the vineyard gave him a new of life .
As his summer holiday came to an end , Mark reflected on his journey . He had found joy in the simplicity of nature . He had let go of his daily stresses and rediscovered a sense of freedom and adventure . With a refreshed spirit , he returned home , carrying the memories of his summer escape with him , already dreaming of his next adventure .

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