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marco rabadan

receipts' in anxiety heartache needy providers equivalent creep bleep comfort icons

Why haven't they replied ?

Everyone ? it seems ? these days has a smartphone . Along with the smartphone came the apps that made it easier and , of course , cheaper to stay in touch with your friends . Whether you favor Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp , Snapchat or Instagram , all make the same promise : you can talk with your friends all day , every day . Except when they don't reply ! It appears that the popularity of texting has also brought with it a new kind of . You send a message and . . . silence . You look at your phone waiting for the and . . . nothing . Time passes slowly by , you begin to wonder : " I sent the text ten minutes ago ! Why haven't they replied ? "

In the past , you could yourself with the thought that they hadn't read it . Now there are little that tell you they have received it and that they have read it . So where is the reply ? Called 'read , these tick boxes that turn blue or the appearance of a profile picture next to the message show they saw it . A few more minutes pass while you look at the phone , then you check that you are still online . Nothing . The doubt starts to . Then you understand . You've been left on 'read' .

It is enough to make the most self - confident person start to question things . Did you say something that was out of line ? Did they feel somehow annoyed at what you said ? You think not , but what if . . . ? So you read your message again and start noticing that it might be taken to mean something else , perhaps . Should you write a second message explaining the first ? Or would that look really ? You never picture the logical explanation that they are driving ? some folks look down on texting as childish behavior . In that moment , you are convinced that the reply ? if and when it comes ? will cause you for some reason . The anxiety of being left on read is silly , but if you have had it , then you know it is real . It is also unique to this time . There is no in previous times .

Now of course , for every yin there is a yang , but I hope that among my readers there is no one who makes a habit of putting the writer on read and then not replying . Come on , that is mean ! Even if the writer deserves some punishment for a wrong , isn't this going too far ? In recent times the 'problem' seems to have reached the ears of the app and , on some services , you have the option to turn read receipts off . But then if you do this , it could suggest that you have something to hide , couldn't it ? Maybe , just maybe , I'm going crazy with this whole thing ! I'll just check to see if I have any messages and then I'm going to delete all my message apps , maybe .

Now test your understanding !