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Fill in the gaps

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Students will be given sentences where they will have to fill in the gaps with money -related words.

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Fill in the gapsVersión en línea

Students will be given sentences where they will have to fill in the gaps with money -related words.

por Ana María Sánchez

card withdraw put pay amounts in interest cash lend from broke cheaper borrow spend cash charged afford credit rates owe enough saving machines banks is aside for high worth

I can't to go on holiday this year . I'm ! I have always wanted to go to Scotland , and I have been for it for ages . However , I still don't have money to it . Some people use the and then they are of money because of the . I am not one of those . I don't want to money to the , but that means no holidays for me for some more months . I prefer to pay . This way is simpler and . My brother has offered to me some money . So , when I finally manage to do it , I might some euros him . It is hard to money every month , but visiting the Highlands and the Lowlands the effort . There I will use the to money , and after the month I plan to there , I might not want to come back . Who knows ? Maybe I will stay there for ever .

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