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Too and enough (2)

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Too and enough (2)Versión en línea

Complete the text.

por Khruslova Irina

enough enough too too too too too enough too enough

1 . I drank much coffee yesterday . , so I couldn't sleep last night .
2 . Did you buy dog food for all the dogs ?
3 . Here's fifteen dollars . Is that for dinner ?
4 . Don't put many books on that shelf . It might break .
5 . These boots aren't big .
6 . He exercised for long yesterday , so he's sore today .
7 . There are many people at the beach . Let's go to the park instead .
8 . Our neighbours make much noise . We want to move .
9 . I don't have time to visit her tomorrow .
10 . These English exercises are difficult for me . Could you help me with them ?

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