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Our House (Possessive Adjectives)

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Practice English possessive adjectives by filling in the blanks in this story about a family's house

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Our House (Possessive Adjectives)Versión en línea

Practice English possessive adjectives by filling in the blanks in this story about a family's house

por Katie Heller

The house is in Northfield , Minnesota . It belongs to my mom , my dad , my sister , my brother , and me . We own the house . It is house .
My parents sleep in a room downstairs . They sleep in the same room . It is room .
My brother , my sister , and I sleep upstairs . We each have our own room . The room my brother sleeps in is on the left . He sleeps in that room . It is room . The room my sister sleeps in is on the right . She sleeps in that room . It is room . The room I sleep in is in the middle . It is room .
My dog sleeps on a bed in the living room . It sleeps in that bed . It is bed .
The neighbors have a different house . They live there . It is house .
And you ? What does house look like ?

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