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por Martha Uribe

enormous look looks could be bit a behind coloured maybe angry

The picture shows three girls who about 12 years old . They ? re standing a table in a garden , decorating cakes . They at a party , or it ? s a wedding reception , as there ? s an pink cake covered with flowers . The girls are all wearing brightly - aprons and chef ? s hats . The tall one on the left is smiling and holding out a plate of cup - cakes . The one in the middle , but the other girl is smiling too .


literacy arts creative teamwork subjects seems crafts skills financial vital life real

Let me think ? I ? m not sure many of the children do at school do prepare them for ! Maybe I . T . ? Computer are definitely in the real world . Students are also taught , which is a necessary real - world skill . And and isn ? t only ? children learn how to follow processes too . They also learn through sports and games . Some schools teach cookery ? I wish more did , as it to be a lost skill .


learning question maintenance money parents school skills interesting should should finances

Do you think schools teach these skills , or should parents teach them ?
Well , that ? s an . I ? d say how to manage is something we should do at , but it ? d be great if parents taught kids basic too , like how to save . Similarly , art be taught in school , but should teach pre - school children simple craft skills , like how to use scissors and glue . Off the top of my head , other things parents could teach are cookery and simple D . I . Y . , like bike .


in suitcases whereas could teenagers excursion backpacks waiting probably interested saying trips be pictures show school luggage gallery

Tell me what you see in these two pictures .
Both students on , doing out - of - school activities . In the first photo a group of young are to get on a coach . They ? ve got ? and ? so they going on a long trip like an exchange programme ? the second photo the children are only on an ? they ? re in an art . They look in what the guide is , as one of the girls has got her hand up to ask a question .


classroom confidence reinforces monotony language development foreign independence educative

How do trips help with a child ? s development ?
Days out are good , as they break the of being in the . And as they ? re often to museums and galleries , they ? re too . But to my mind , a trip away from home really helps their , especially if it involves going abroad . Children ? s sense of often grows when they have to spend some time away from their family . And having the chance to practise a what they ? ve done in class and gives them .


sporting increasingly goal opportunity sedentary games active achieve normally

What other extra - curricular activities are important , and why ?
Well , I ? d say all activities are important these days , as students have far more lives than they used to , and many of them really need the exercise . Playing any is good , but team sports like football , basketball and netball are best in my opinion , as students have to work together to their . It ? s also important on a social level , as it often gives them the to get to know people they wouldn ? t meet .


skills realised social loved opposite cons were three excited away should usually pros misbehave yesterday

Tell me what you can remember about starting school .

How did you feel about it ?

Do you think children have to start school at too young an age ?
I remember it as if it . The night before I was so that I could hardly sleep . I woke up really early and was ready to go to school about two hours before it started . When I got there I was surprised to see so many kids crying when they went in . But I was the ? I school from the very first minute . I don ? t think I ? d ever felt happier ! Though when the bell went at the end of the day I felt really sad , and started to cry because I thought it was all over . I hadn ? t I could go back again the next day !

In my country children start school at years old . I think there are and to starting at such an early age . On the one hand , being with other children all day really helps with their , like making friends and learning to work together as a team . But on the other hand , a full school day is too long for them to be from home , in my opinion . They miss their parents , and they get very tired and are more likely to . So I ? d say three years old is a good age to start , but that school days be shorter for the under - fives .

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