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Idioms B1-B2

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Idioms B1-B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

piece grain cut mile gun leg chips tree ball hit face hot

1 . He always goes the extra to help her colleagues .
2 . If we corners on this project , it could lead to problems later .
3 . If you're looking for sympathy from him , you're barking up the wrong .
4 . She's really on the and always catches mistakes before they become issues .
5 . The exam was a of cake ; I finished it in half the time .
6 . After a long day at work , I'm ready to the sack .
7 . I thought he was serious , but he was just pulling my .
8 . I'm going to speak my mind and let the fall where they may .
9 . You should take his advice with a of salt since he doesn't have much experience .
10 . If you miss the deadline , you'll be in water with the boss .
11 . After failing the test , he had to the music and tell his parents .
12 . She jumped the by announcing her promotion before it was official .

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