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Weak Havoc

Weak Havoc

marco rabadan

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Pain in the neck - How to reduce muscle pain from sitting at a desk

Many occupations require employees to sit at a desk for hours at a time . This can sometimes result in muscle pain and stiffness . Can this be avoided ?

It seems strange to imagine that a desk job can have bad effects on our health . Generally , we think of labor intensive jobs like construction , landscaping , or trades as the jobs that can cause damage to our bodies . But working in an office can absolute on our bodies as well . Some of the most common effects can be lower back pain , wrist pain , a tight neck , or lack of mobility when we spend all day at a desk . But , if you do have a 'desk job' , don't worry ! You're not to a career of neck and back pain or sore wrists and fingers . There are small adjustments that you can make to help you feel more comfortable and have less pain . So how can we keep ourselves feeling well and comfortable in the workplace ?

? Chair : Do not make a quick decision regarding your office chair . This might take some time and a lot of testing . Choose a chair that supports your spinal curves . Once you've got the right chair for you , adjust the height so that your feet rest flat on the floor or on a footrest and your thighs are parallel to the floor . But don't stop there ! Adjust the armrests so your arms gently rest on them with your shoulders relaxed and not tense and lifted up around your ears .

? Key objects : What are key objects ? How do you identify them ? Take a look at your desk . Are there any objects that you have not used today , or even yesterday , or this week perhaps ? If there is , get it off your desk ! It is not a key object . But once you've identified your key objects , keep them close . This will keep you from reaching and stretching awkwardly for them . If you need to , stand up to grab something that is just out of reach .

? Keyboard and mouse : The location of your mouse and keyboard in relation to your body is important . You want your mouse and keyboard to be at the same level and your wrists should always be straight . Your upper arms should be close to your body whether you are using the mouse or the keyboard . While most people find it difficult to use both hands for specific tasks , you may want to train yourself to the hand you use to operate the mouse . This will balance the workload on both wrists instead of just one .

? Telephone : Have you ever tried to pin a telephone between your ear and your shoulder for an extended period of time ? This can cause severe strain to your neck muscles so use a headset as much as possible .

? Footrest : Remember that your feet should always be resting flat . Depending on the height of your desk and chair , you may need to use a footrest . If you can't get your hands on a footrest , try using a small stool or a stack of books instead .

? Desk : The height of your desk is very important . You need to make sure there's for your knees , thighs , and feet . This is a difficult balance because you may need to raise or lower the height of your chair or desk while trying to keep your feet resting flat . Either way , make sure your legs fit comfortably underneath . If your desk has a hard edge , it can sometimes dig into your wrists . Pad the edge or use a wrist rest to avoid this . Don't store items under your desk that can cramp the space or bruise your shins .

? Monitor : Since most 'desk jobs' require the use of computers and monitors , it is important to make sure it is in the right place on your desk . It should be in front of you , not off to the side and about 2 feet , or 61 centimeters , away from you . You should be able to see over the top of the monitor when you are sitting comfortably . You should also consider adjusting the brightness of the monitor to a level that is comfortable for you . This can reduce the strain on your eyes .

But be careful ! Sometimes you may still experience pain despite trying all of these suggestions . It could be because you aren't moving enough . Don't stay in the same position for hours . Studies suggest the best plan for prolonged spinal health is to consistently alter your work environment : move around , stand when possible , don't sit in the same position for eight straight hours ! Set a timer every twenty minutes and get up and do something ! Take a around the office , do some light movement exercises for your shoulders and neck . This can keep your muscles and reduce the potential for cramps and tightness . Good health to you !

Let's check what you can remember !