Cities
fighting
rising
sea
levels
What
is
being
done
to
guard
cities
against
rising
sea
levels
?
Some
well
known
politicians
have
described
global
warming
as
a
.
However
,
most
experts
agree
that
the
world's
climate
is
changing
.
They
also
think
that
human
activities
play
a
great
part
in
the
change
.
In
some
cities
in
the
.
.
and
elsewhere
,
they
are
putting
plans
into
action
.
These
plans
,
they
hope
,
will
protect
them
against
one
of
the
effects
of
climate
change
:
rising
sea
levels
.
Many
people
can
imagine
what
will
happen
to
small
islands
due
to
rising
sea
levels
.
Indeed
,
the
impact
on
small
island
communities
like
the
Solomon
Islands
will
be
terrible
.
However
,
in
money
terms
,
the
greatest
effect
will
be
on
cities
like
New
York
,
Guangzhou
,
and
greatest
of
all
,
Miami
.
In
fact
,
the
whole
length
of
south
Florida
is
facing
a
real
problem
.
So
,
what
can
be
done
?
Is
the
answer
to
build
a
huge
sea
wall
like
the
one
in
Holland
for
example
?
Too
simple
,
says
William
Sweet
,
an
expert
at
the
National
Oceanic
and
Atmospheric
Administration
.
Much
of
south
Florida's
infrastructure
,
like
drains
and
wells
,
was
put
in
a
hundred
years
ago
.
The
results
of
the
changes
will
be
clear
long
before
the
water
reaches
the
buildings
.
Some
work
is
already
in
hand
.
miles
of
roads
in
Miami
beach
are
being
raised
,
one
new
shopping
mall
has
been
built
with
,
and
new
valves
were
put
in
Fort
Lauderdale
.
However
,
this
work
is
not
going
to
be
enough
to
save
some
communities
.
In
the
end
,
a
decision
will
need
to
be
made
and
some
areas
will
be
found
no
longer
.
South
Florida
is
one
of
the
richest
areas
on
the
planet
.
People
might
reasonably
say
that
the
problem
of
sea
level
rise
must
be
solved
there
.
If
not
,
then
there
will
be
major
truths
for
the
rest
of
the
world
to
face
.
In
many
places
there
could
be
a
battle
.
Home
owners
want
their
homes
to
be
protected
and
push
for
sea
walls
.
City
authorities
,
knowing
the
huge
costs
involved
,
are
careful
about
starting
schemes
they
might
not
have
the
money
to
finish
.
Others
want
natural
areas
and
wildlife
to
be
saved
.
They
view
coastal
as
a
natural
thing
.
As
a
result
,
they
don't
want
sea
walls
arguing
people
are
at
fault
because
they
should
not
have
built
so
close
to
the
sea
in
the
first
place
.
In
different
parts
of
the
world
,
we
can
see
different
.
In
New
York
,
work
has
started
on
a
new
wall
which
will
raise
the
level
of
the
East
River
bank
by
feet
(
3m
)
.
In
Australia
,
property
protection
has
been
given
too
.
Here
though
,
new
materials
are
being
tested
to
lessen
the
effect
on
the
area
.
In
other
places
,
different
are
being
tried
,
which
may
include
building
on
poles
or
having
buildings
that
float
.
Whatever
the
method
,
it
is
clear
that
many
areas
close
to
the
sea
are
going
to
need
to
take
action
very
soon
.
There
are
already
signs
that
sea
levels
are
rising
and
the
ice
in
the
areas
means
that
this
is
set
to
continue
.
Let's
check
what
you
remember
!