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Activity 7 Simple Present

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Look carefully at the image and indicate what is the point of the day's action

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Activity 7 Simple PresentVersión en línea

Look carefully at the image and indicate what is the point of the day's action

por carmen artovar
1 Every Monday... gets up at 7.00. 2 Then he goes to the bathroom 3 and has a shower. 4 After that he goes downstairs to the kitchen 5 and has breakfast with his family. 6 He and has fruit juice and cereal. 7 He leaves home at 8.00 8 and he goes to school by bus. 9 He arrives at school at 8.55. 10 He studies from 9.00 to 3.30. 11 For lunch he has fish and chips 12 After school, he goes to the park 13 and plays basketball with his friends 14 Then he goes home 15 and does his homework. 16 He has dinner at 7.30. 17 After dinner he watches TV 18 listens to the radio 19 or reads. 20 Finally, he goes to bed at about 11.00.
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