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Hollywood Day Fill in the Blanks

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Test your knowledge of Hollywood culture by filling in the missing words in this glamorous event description.

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Hollywood Day Fill in the BlanksVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of Hollywood culture by filling in the missing words in this glamorous event description.

por Gleb Bachurin

1910 first famous 17 iconic 1949 Old 1923 famous

Hollywood is in Los Angeles , California . It's for movies in the US .
The movie filmed in Hollywood was In Hollywood . It was in . The movie was minutes long .
Some of the most places to visit include the Hollywood Walk of Fame , Universal Studios , the Chinese Theatre , Charlie Chaplin Studios , Madame Tussauds Hollywood , and Roosevelt Hotel .
The world Hollywood sign put in . It was 'Hollywoodland' . In the word 'land' was removed .

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