Maslow's
hierarchy
of
needs
hierarchical
pyramid
based
on
basic
human
needs
?
physiological
,
safety
/
security
,
love
/
belonging
,
self
-
esteem
/
ego
,
and
self
-
actualization
.
Most
people
have
heard
about
Maslow's
pyramid
at
some
point
in
their
college
careers
.
It
breaks
down
the
needs
that
human
beings
have
and
places
them
in
a
,
based
on
a
person's
age
.
The
basic
human
needs
,
according
to
Maslow
,
are
physiological
,
safety
,
belonging
,
self
-
esteem
/
ego
,
and
self
-
actualization
.
He
places
these
needs
as
of
a
pyramid
,
with
the
base
being
the
greater
needs
and
what
he
considers
to
be
lesser
needs
at
the
top
.
While
most
people
agree
that
the
needs
at
the
base
of
the
pyramid
,
that
is
physiological
needs
,
are
the
necessities
of
human
existence
.
Many
people
have
spoken
to
think
that
the
other
four
tiers
can
be
depending
on
a
person's
circumstances
,
not
necessarily
on
a
person's
age
.
Let's
explore
the
options
together
,
shall
we
?
Let's
begin
at
the
base
of
Maslow's
pyramid
?
physiological
needs
.
They
are
food
,
water
,
air
,
sleep
,
and
sex
.
Now
,
why
would
sex
be
listed
as
a
physiological
need
?
The
answer
is
for
of
the
species
.
Without
sex
,
we
would
no
longer
exist
.
Therefore
,
it
is
to
human
existence
.
Safety
is
the
next
tier
of
the
pyramid
.
Most
people
think
of
safety
and
security
as
shelter
?
a
roof
over
our
heads
.
However
,
safety
and
security
also
mean
employment
to
many
.
It
can
mean
having
investments
,
a
job
,
a
house
,
a
security
system
,
or
even
insurance
.
One
of
the
most
compelling
arguments
for
this
being
the
second
most
important
human
need
came
from
a
fellow
teacher
.
She
taught
some
students
who
feared
for
their
safety
just
coming
to
school
because
of
gang
members
and
fear
of
being
.
But
for
others
,
school
was
safer
than
being
at
home
because
of
an
parent
.
While
this
is
certainly
a
,
arguments
could
be
made
for
senior
citizens
who
are
concerned
about
simply
stepping
out
of
their
bath
tubs
or
driving
to
the
store
.
They
are
concerned
about
their
safety
because
of
their
health
,
stability
/
mobility
,
memory
,
etc
.
While
most
of
us
think
that
security
involves
having
a
job
,
a
home
,
or
a
spouse
,
it
could
mean
other
things
to
a
child
or
a
pensioner
based
on
their
circumstances
.
The
next
level
of
the
pyramid
is
belonging
.
This
is
probably
the
second
most
important
to
me
after
physiological
needs
.
When
was
growing
up
,
we
moved
a
lot
.
had
been
to
seven
different
schools
before
was
in
ninth
grade
.
Every
time
we
moved
,
had
to
make
new
friends
.
rarely
ever
felt
like
belonged
anywhere
,
and
finally
grew
weary
of
trying
to
make
new
friends
because
figured
we
would
just
move
again
anyway
.
With
the
growing
interest
in
colonizing
Mars
,
many
people
have
signed
up
to
be
one
of
the
first
people
to
move
to
Mars
?
forever
.
can
understand
how
older
people
might
be
psychologically
prepared
to
move
to
another
planet
,
but
it
is
difficult
for
me
to
understand
how
some
young
people
could
make
a
permanent
move
like
that
?
being
away
from
their
family
and
friends
for
the
rest
of
their
lives
.
spent
a
year
away
from
my
family
and
friends
to
live
in
Japan
?
before
cell
phones
and
Skype
and
the
internet
.
can
assure
you
that
it
was
a
painful
experience
for
it
to
take
three
weeks
to
send
a
letter
to
the
United
States
and
having
to
wait
three
more
weeks
for
a
reply
via
mail
.
We
should
also
take
into
account
that
people
view
belonging
differently
.
Some
feel
as
if
they
belong
to
people
?
a
certain
family
or
group
of
friends
,
teammates
,
colleagues
,
clubs
?
but
others
feel
as
if
they
belong
to
a
place
?
a
city
,
a
state
,
or
a
country
.
Next
,
we
have
self
-
esteem
on
the
pyramid
.
These
are
our
accomplishments
?
the
things
we
take
pride
in
.
For
some
,
this
is
mastering
a
video
game
.
For
others
,
this
means
getting
into
an
ivy
league
college
.
For
some
,
it
could
mean
marrying
the
prom
queen
or
star
athlete
in
high
school
.
For
others
,
it
could
mean
getting
a
promotion
or
the
dream
job
they
have
always
wanted
.
Regardless
,
this
involves
our
ego
.
Last
,
but
not
least
,
we
have
self
-
actualization
.
There
is
some
here
,
because
some
people
believe
that
getting
an
education
is
not
only
a
goal
(
self
-
esteem
)
,
but
it
can
also
be
a
fulfilling
and
enriching
life
experience
(
self
-
actualization
)
.
It
can
be
both
,
of
course
.
These
'needs'
are
actually
dreams
or
goals
,
in
my
opinion
.
Self
-
actualization
includes
hobbies
,
traveling
,
education
,
and
even
military
service
to
some
.
These
are
the
things
that
give
your
life
purpose
and
meaning
.
There
is
another
crossover
here
,
because
some
people
consider
having
kids
or
grandchildren
to
be
a
fulfilling
experience
that
gives
their
lives
meaning
and
purpose
(
self
-
actualization
)
.
For
others
,
having
children
and
grandchildren
meets
their
physiological
needs
.
Some
people
may
put
having
children
in
the
belonging
category
.
The
important
thing
is
for
all
of
your
needs
to
be
met
!
Let's
check
what
you
can
remember
!