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Idioms B2

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Idioms B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

barking top cut apples elephant knock cold past come cramming line

1 . With a tight deadline looming , we had to to the chase and focus only on the essential tasks .
2 . Despite all his efforts , the project was a complete flop . It seems he was up the wrong tree all along .
3 . Don't worry about the presentation , you're so well - prepared you'll it out of the park .
4 . We need to address the in the room - the budget cuts are going to affect everyone .
5 . She studied all night , but in the exam , her mind went blank . It was a classic case of for a test .
6 . They argued for hours , but neither side was willing to budge . It felt like they were talking each other .
7 . He finally got a promotion after years of hard work . Now he feels like he's on of the world .
8 . The new restaurant is so popular , you always have to wait in for ages to get a table .
9 . John always seems to get feet at the last minute , canceling plans even when he's excited initially .
10 . Trying to compare the two companies financially is like comparing and oranges - they operate in completely different industries .
11 . Pack an extra jacket , it might in handy if the weather gets chilly later .

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