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Fill in the Blanks: Emotional Salary

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Fill in the Blanks game about emotional salary and its impact on employees and companies.

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Fill in the Blanks: Emotional Salary

Fill in the Blanks game about emotional salary and its impact on employees and companies.

marco rabadan

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Emotional salary

Octavius Black , the CEO of Mind Gym , once said , " The way to get people to to work is to pay them a salary . The way to get them to at work is to match it with an emotional salary in five denominations : purpose , appreciation , mastery , support , and connection . " So , what is this emotional salary he mentioned all about ?

Emotional salary is not about money as such , but refers to the offered by companies to their employees to improve their levels of job satisfaction without this actually meaning a pay increase . There are times when companies can't increase their employees' salaries , but want to compensate them for their hard work . Instead of offering them a pay raise , a company may offer flexible working hours , a gym membership , private health insurance , or out of the office meals to build an emotional connection with employees and them for longer . In our ever - changing world , a decent pay package no longer seems to be enough to attract or keep qualified individuals . Research shows it is especially true for millennials . Such factors as location , social benefits , and flexible hours are as important as money for this new generation of professionals . In fact , occasionally they are even more important than money itself . Emotional salary is intended to boost employee engagement , which in turn , helps keep teams sustainable with a high level of commitment and sense of belonging . This type of bonding makes employees more likely to the company in times of crisis .

What exactly do employees most want from work ? First comes a sense of purpose . Team members need to believe their work makes a difference , if not to the whole company , at least to their team or department . Who doesn't like feeling regardless of whether it's undeniably true or not ? Research shows such sense of belonging improves employee performance significantly . Another factor is feeling appreciated . Giving commendation and praise most likely won't make your employees conceited , haughty , or looking down on others ; but will definitely keep them motivated . Room for development constitutes the third factor . Although promoting an employee is not always an option , it is usually doable to provide them with a bit of freedom to perform a given task , and then offer feedback to help them grow . The fourth factor is related to proper mentoring . For example , a manager that cares and is there to guide , and assist when needed . The last point is easy and true for all : working with likable people . If there's an emotional or cultural terrorist on a team , letting them go may improve the team's performance , no matter how good the individual's results are .

Most common emotional salaries include : flexible hours , remote work , professional development opportunities , help with child care expenses , a leisure room at a company where employees can relax and switch off , social benefits such as restaurant and transportation , or private health insurance . On the other hand , what companies can count on having offered an emotional salary to their people includes better results , greater trust , sustainable teams on projects , excellent working environment , physical and emotional health , and decreased levels of stress in the workplace .

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