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yBook GE B2 Intro

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yBook GE B2 IntroVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Liubov Shapovalova

assumptions Striking Hitting boost people common put Breaking gives

1 . off depends more on luck than on personal traits .
2 . the ice with a controversial topic is more effective than a friendly conversation .
3 . up conversations easily can lead to new opportunities .
4 . Being a person is innate , not learned .
5 . We can easily overcome people make about us from the first meeting .
6 . The vibe someone off matters more than what they say in shaping impressions .
7 . Feeling like we always have to our best foot stops us from being ourselves .
8 . Trying to find ground limits our value of different perspectives .
9 . Power poses are a great way to confidence .

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