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Vocabulary B2

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Vocabulary B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

light crux prone boils blew embrace miniscule spring cut swing

1 . While some people thrive in high - pressure environments , others simply aren't out for the perilous nature of emergency response work .
2 . Teenagers can be to shrugging off parental advice , even when it comes from a place of love and concern .
3 . Instead of dwelling on the negative , try to the positive aspects of your current situation .
4 . The scientist's explanation of dark matter was so complex it almost my mind !
5 . The amount of progress we've made so far feels insignificant , but it's a start nonetheless .
6 . At the end of the day , it down to a matter of trust - do you believe his story or not ?
7 . When trying to solve a mystery , the first thing you need to do is identify the of the matter - what is the central issue ?
8 . Certain personality types are more prone to anxiety and may to mind when considering who might struggle in a stressful situation .
9 . The history lesson shed on a pivotal moment in the conflict , revealing the motivations behind each side .
10 . As exams are in full , students are feeling the pressure to perform well and may feel entitled to extra study breaks .

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