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a x an - article

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correct the sentences - a / an / na

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a x an - articleVersión en línea

correct the sentences - a / an / na

por Marília Pinheiro

rewrite the senten CORRECT THE MISTAKES : a / an / na ( not article )

1 ) There are a 5 painkiller in my purse .
There are in my purse .
2 ) I see a apple on the table .
I see the table .
3 ) I have an wallet in my backpack .
I have my backpack .
4 ) She is with an ID card .
She is card .
5 ) We need a egg to make a cake .
We need make a cake .
6 ) I see a 3 hairband in my toiletry bag .
I see my toiletry bag .
7 ) This is a orange pen .
This is .
8 ) There are a credit cards in my wallet .
There are my wallet .
9 ) I don ? t have an perfume in my bag .
I don ? t have in my bag .
10 ) They are an English teachers .
They are teachers .
11 ) I always have a chewing gum with me .
I always with me .

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