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por VICTOR Mon

positions invest self-employed qualified permanent profit shifts well-paid rewarding redundant

Setting up your own business

After she was made last year , Leah wondered if she'd ever find a job again . 'I spent hours looking at job adverts and applying for different . I even applied for jobs that I knew I wasn't to do . Looking for a job became my full - time job ! ' So , Leah decided to think about things in a different way . 'I asked myself what I really wanted . Of course , I wanted a career , but what else ? I started with a list of simple questions . Did I want to work ? No . I like routine and I didn't want to work at night . Did I have money to in a business ? Again , no . Was having a job the most important thing to me ? Of course , earning good money would be nice , but it's not at the very top of my list . Did I want to work for someone else ? Actually , I hadn't ever considered being before , but now this seemed like a good opportunity . I asked myself , " What do I love doing ? " Easy ! Baking . At first , I sold the cakes to friends and family . Then , I advertised the business on social media and that led to more customers . I even made a small this year' .

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