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Vocabulary list, fill in the blanks

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Test your creativity and knowledge in this fun game of completing sentences with missing words or phrases.

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Vocabulary list, fill in the blanks

Test your creativity and knowledge in this fun game of completing sentences with missing words or phrases.

erki ehanurm

PAPI apron runway taxiway

The aircraft taxied along the towards the , its lights indicating the correct approach path .


fuselage ailerons maintenance

Regular of the aircraft's is crucial for ensuring structural integrity .


monitors cockpit transponder

As the pilot entered the , they checked the to ensure proper communication .


pitch actuators implemented magnetto

Engineers advanced to control the rotor's and torque during flight .


maintenance alleviate impair

Effective practices help potential voltage fluctuations in the aircraft's intricate electrical systems .


monitors alert dense

The crew continuously the aircraft's systems , remaining to any potential issues .


Implementing Interfering forestall hazards

concise safety procedures potential during flight operations .


landing maintenance fuselage intricate formidable takeoff ailerons cockpit

Before , the crew inspected the for any signs of wear or damage , while the pilot and co - pilot reviewed the control systems in the , including the and actuators , to ensure flawless functionality during flight , knowing that any overlooked issue could potentially lead to a challenge in the air .


dizziness oxygen amplify oxygen sleeves starvation decompression insulation mitigate masks

In the event of an emergency scenario at high altitude , flight crews must swiftly the risk of among passengers by deploying from their secure compartments , ensuring that are properly fitted to prevent discomfort and potential during the rapid descent to a safe altitude .


chamber technical cancellation technical disruption combustion meltdown glitch supression

In the wake of the , the airline found itself grappling with significant , as the unexpected in the engine's necessitated the of numerous flights , leading to widespread inconvenience for passengers and operational challenges for the airline's staff .