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Pasi: Fill the gaps (10.5.24)

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Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. All the sentences have terms in your Quizlet spring 2024 sets.

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Pasi: Fill the gaps (10.5.24)

Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. All the sentences have terms in your Quizlet spring 2024 sets.

Marietta Chela

make regulations retire achieve useless pension objective signed official resolve competitive noticed On on minutes prepare

1 . She the new student sitting at the back of the class . ( huomasi )
2 . My father plans to next year after working for 35 years . ( jäädä eläkkeelle )
3 . He receives a from the government since he retired . ( eläkeraha )
4 . The company is known for offering prices in the market . ( kilpailukykyiset )
5 . The business aims to a profit by the end of the year . ( tehdä )
6 . With hard work , she was able to her goal of learning English . ( saavuuttaa )
7 . The contract was by both parties to make it official . ( allekirjoitettu )
8 . The company issued an statement regarding the merger . ( virallinen )
9 . Every company must follow certain to operate legally . ( säännökset , määräykset )
10 . The main of the project is to increase sales . ( päämäärä )
11 . I need to read the of the meeting to understand what was discussed . ( pöytäkirja )
12 . They were able to their differences and move forward . ( ratkaista , selvittää )
13 . I need time to for the important presentation tomorrow . ( valmistautua )
14 . the one hand , studying can be stressful but , the other hand , it's rewarding . ( prepositio : toisaalta - toisaalta )
15 . Using this old computer is because it doesn't work anymore . ( turha , hyödytön )