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Effects of technology on teenagers

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Effects of technology on teenagersVersión en línea

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por carla courela

televisions texting losing games TV

Bedrooms equipped with , videos and computers are resulting in a generation of sleep - deprived children , a study has found . Youngsters playing , watching and on mobile phones late into the night are up to a month's worth of sleep a year .


two health parents lack sleep physical

Researchers found a of sleep was threatening the and mental of up to one million primary age . One in five of this age group have between and five hours less at night than their did as children .


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The quality of life has long been linked to technological , which gave a of time - poor families more control over their lives .
Family life is undergoing a similar in the age , although experts are divided as to the impact , the Internet and Social are having on society and the family .

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