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t19 martin

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applying for a job

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t19 martin

applying for a job


confident target pressure relocate organised experience introverted logistical support knowledgeable hard course responsible outgoing under dynamic educational lazy working advanced extrovertido anxious fluent secondary insecure background vocational messy school headquarters

- experiencia
to be - hablar con fluidez
- avanzado / a
- bajo presión
- marcar como objetivo
- formación académica
- oficina / sede central
to - trasladar
- apoyo logístico
- instituto
- curso de formación profesional
- / a , sociable
- inseguro / a
- - trabajador / a
- organizado / a
- desorganizado / a , desordenado / a
- confiado / a , seguro / a
- introvertido / a
- vago / a
- nerviosos / a
to be - ser hábil
- responsable
- dinámico / a


work fast conscientious decisive starting notice shift permanent fire ambitious work keen articulate learner incentive schedule retirement creative at shift about health schedule easy good industrious benefits salary temporary going recruit perk multitasking flexible sensitive punctual

- que aprende con rapidez
- bueno / a haciendo varias cosas a la vez
- estímulo , motivación
- salario / sueldo inicial
- horario
- trabajo por turnos
to - despedir
to - contratar
insurance - seguro médico
- prestación de jubilación
- aviso , notificación
- ventaja , beneficio
- aplicado / a , entusiasta
- elocuente
- puntual
- decidido / a
job - trabajo fijo
job - trabajo temporal
- ambicioso / a
hours - flexible con el horario
- sensible
- creativo / a
- concienzudo / a , meticuloso /
- trabajador / a
- - de trato fácil
- trabajo por turnos
- horario


insecure anxious experience confident course headquarters relocate under advanced target school responsible organised messy pressure fluent educational working support vocational knowledgeable dynamic introverted hard background lazy outgoing logistical secondary

She has had a lot of working with prisoners .
She is in Spanish after years of practice .
This class is for students .
The team performed exceptionally well .
Our company's is to expand into new markets this year .
His strong impressed the hiring committee .
The company's are located in downtown Chicago .
We decided to our business to a larger facility .
The event organizers provided excellent .
In the UK , typically starts at age of 11 .
He enroled in a to become a certified electrician .
She is known for her personality and love of socializing .
His past experiences have left him feeling in new situations .
Maria is a - employee who never misses a deadline .
His meticulously workspace reflects his attention to detail .
Her desk is always , covered in papers and books .
He approached the interview with a behaviour .
My son is quite ; I wish he could be more social !
Tom tends to be and procrastinates on his assignments .
She felt before giving her presentation to the board .
Sarah is highly in the field of biology .
As team leader , he is for project outcomes .
The new CEO brought a energy to the company .


learner notice schedule recruiting fast incentive work multitasking starting shift retirement benefits fire health perks insurance

She is a and picks up new skills quickly .
He is good at and managing multiple projects simultaneously .
Offering bonuses can be a great for employees .
The salary for this position is quite high .
What is your work like ?
Nurses often do , which can be challenging for their sleep schedules .
Unfortunately , they had to several employees due to financial problems .
The company is actively new talent for their expansion .
The company provides excellent coverage in case of accident .
After working for the company for 30 years , Sarah was looking forward to enjoying her , which included a monthly pension and health insurance .
Please provide two weeks' before leaving your job .
One of the of this job is free gym membership .


temporary articulate punctual permanent ambitious sensitive hours industrious easy keen flexible conscientious creative going decisive

She is very on developing her leadership skills .
The candidate was and confident during the interview .
It's important to be for meetings .
A good leader needs to be in tough situations .
He finally found a job after months of searching .
She took on a job while studying in college .
He is very and has big career goals .
She's about working and can adjust her schedule as needed .
She's a manager who understands her team's needs .
The design team is known for their ideas .
He is a worker who pays attention to detail .
The student often studied all night .
He's - and great to work with .