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Fill in the Blanks: The Last Wi-Fi Free Zone in America

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Fill in the Blanks: The Last Wi-Fi Free Zone in America

Test your knowledge about the last Wi-Fi free zone in America by filling in the missing words in this text!

marco rabadan

gadgets residents take for nostalgia granted jokingly casual

The last Wi - Fi Free zone in America

Have you ever been out having dinner with friends or family and wondered what actor was in that last film you saw ? You reached for your phone and within seconds Google , Siri , or Cortana had the response staring back at you . Some people look back at the time when you could not find the answer so easily with . They remember how you used to ask the people next to you if you were in a restaurant , or maybe you would ask the server ; maybe that interaction would turn into a friendly conversation . Instead of asking others for information , we now ask our phones . This is true just about everywhere , except for a small town in America .

The people living in Green Bank , West Virginia have given up cell towers , smartphones , and all those that use Wi - Fi for science . This small village with only 150 is home to the Robert C . Byrd Green Bank Telescope , GBT . It is the largest telescope of its kind . Locals from Green Bank call the telescope : 'the great big thing' . It is 150 meters or 500 feet tall and the size of a football field . It is sensitive to radio signals from space and the surrounding area , so the American government created a 13 , 000 square mile zone around the telescope in the countryside called the National Radio Quiet Zone . People who live in this area must go without the gadgets most of us . Any device that generates electromagnetic radiation ? a cell phone , a television , a wireless internet router ? can interfere with the operation of the telescope .

So how do the locals feel about this lifestyle ? The business manager of the GBT says , " If you work in Green Bank , it's because you want this kind of life . " The small town has also started to attract people who are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation including a woman named Diane Schou . This new resident moved from Iowa to West Virginia to escape wireless technology , like mobile phones . She is one of the 5% of Americans who believe they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity ( EHS ) . Symptoms of EHS range from acute headaches , skin burning , muscle twitching , to chronic pain .

So whether you go to the last Wi - Fi free zone in America to escape electromagnetic radiation or to work with some of the most advanced technology on the planet , you have to leave your cellphone behind .

Let's check what you can remember !