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The Catholic Monarchs

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The Catholic Monarchs

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The Catholic Monarchs

The Catholic Monarchs


Farsa Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand Beltraneja 1469 Guisando Ávila language Bulls Aragon laws Castile

and Isabella , also known as the , were in charge of a strong monarchy . They got married in , and about ten years later , they became rulers . Isabella was the daughter of John II of and Isabella of Portugal . She had two brothers : Alfonso and Henry . Henry became King Henry IV of Castile , but he wasn't very strong as a king . He had a daughter named Joanna , who people called " la " because some said she was not his real daughter . In 1465 , there was a big event called ? La de ? that we'll learn about in class . Isabella was recognized as the rightful heir in an agreement called the Pact of the of , but Henry changed his mind and said his daughter la Beltraneja should be the heir instead . This started a war between Isabella and her niece . Isabella won the war . Ferdinand also became the king of in 1479 . This joined both kingdoms , but they kept their own borders , , money , , and ways of doing things .


October Granada Charles 1492 Columbus America Asia Austria 1504 12 Handsome Portugal Cisneros European Joanna

They tried to make sure their kids married into important families like those from , England , and to be stronger than France . They finished taking back Spain from the Moors when they captured in . After that , Isabella decided to help Christopher with his idea to find a new way to by sailing west . Columbus reached on , 1492 . Isabella died in , and there was a lot of trouble about who should rule after her . Her daughter was declared unfit to rule , so her husband , Philip " the , " took over , but he died in 1506 . Cardinal and Ferdinand ruled until their son grew up .