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Fill in the blanks british empire 1

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Fill in the blanks british empire 1

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Fill in the blanks british empire 1Versión en línea

Fill in the blanks british empire 1

por Uriel

dominance influence Independence exploration Imperial dismantling fall alliances colonies rise

- " . . . exploring the dominance and fall of this one - time world empire . . . "
- " . . . exploring the rise and fall of this one - time world empire . . . "
- " . . . exploring the rise dominance and of this one - time world empire . . . "
- " . . . despite reaching its peak of at the beginning of the 20th century . . . "
- " . . . following Portugal and Spain ? s lead in overseas . . . "
- " . . . several unsuccessful attempts were made to create along the North American coast . . . "
- " . . . thirteen of its North American colonies broke free from Britain through the American War of . . . "
- " . . . forced Britain to form with old enemies such as France and Russia . . . "
- " . . . during what was referred to as their century . . . "
- " . . . the of this once dominant world empire began . . . "

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