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Meeting Terms Fill in the Blanks

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Fill in the blanks with meeting-related terms and concepts to test your knowledge and understanding of meeting procedures and protocols.

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Meeting Terms Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with meeting-related terms and concepts to test your knowledge and understanding of meeting procedures and protocols.

marco rabadan

Unanimous Delegate Show Consensus Bring Timekeeper forward Adjourn Wrap of hands up Agenda Collaborate Summarize Chairperson

: To suspend a meeting with the intention of resuming it later , often at another time or place .
: To work together with others on a task or project , sharing ideas , resources , and responsibilities .
: General agreement among a group of people ; when everyone in a group agrees on a decision or course of action .
: To entrust a task or responsibility to another person or group , typically while maintaining overall responsibility for its completion .
: To give a brief and concise overview or recap of something , often highlighting the main points or key details .
: A list or schedule of items to be discussed or acted upon at a meeting , event , or gathering .
: The person who presides over a meeting , discussion , or committee , responsible for maintaining order , facilitating discussion , and ensuring that agenda items are addressed .
: A person responsible for monitoring and managing the time allocated to various agenda items during a meeting , ensuring that discussions stay on track and that all items are addressed within the allotted time .
: When all members of a group or committee are in complete agreement on a decision or resolution .
: A method of voting or indicating agreement in which participants raise their hands to express their opinion or preference .
: To conclude or finish something , often by summarizing key points , making final remarks , or outlining next steps .
: To introduce or propose something for consideration or discussion , often during a meeting or debate .