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2 Nephi 28:30 DM

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Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery

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2 Nephi 28:30 DMVersión en línea

Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery

por Brenda Crosier

give children line precept God

" will unto the of men upon line , precept upon . "


blessed there have taken behold give precepts ear men little will learn counsel enough line precept

For , thus saith the Lord God : I will unto the children of line upon , upon precept , here a little and a ; and are those who hearken unto my , and lend an unto my , for they shall wisdom ; for unto him that receiveth I give more ; and from them that shall say , We have , from them shall be away even that which they .


thing unto first must perceive faint beloved thee welfare not concerning ponder me which pray pray hearken pray grieveth ye name the always must thy performance not must speak pray soul

And now , my brethren , I that ye still in your hearts ; and it that I this thing . For if ye would Spirit teacheth a man to , ye would know that ye must ; for the evil spirit teacheth a man to pray , but teacheth him that he pray .

But behold , I say unto you that , and not ; that ye must not perform any unto the Lord save in the place ye shall unto the Father in the of Christ , that he will consecrate performance unto , that thy may be for the of thy .

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