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Fill in the Blanks Native Americans

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Fill in the Blanks Native Americans

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Fill in the Blanks Native AmericansVersión en línea

Fill in the Blanks Native Americans

por Uriel

land American native Indian European Citizenship Indigenous territory government population

1 . The plants of the region are well - adapted to the local climate .
2 . culture is a blend of various traditions from around the world .
3 . The tribes of the Southwest have a rich cultural heritage .
4 . peoples have a deep connection to the land they inhabit .
5 . settlers arrived in the New World seeking new opportunities .
6 . The in this area is fertile and suitable for agriculture .
7 . The of the city has grown rapidly in recent years .
8 . The was disputed between neighboring countries for centuries .
9 . The is responsible for making and enforcing laws .
10 . grants individuals certain rights and responsibilities within a country .

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