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Complex comparatives RM b2+

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Complex comparatives RM b2+

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Ульяна Изместьева

than miles times anything quite as less

Our family moved to the city when I was ten . For me , it was a terrible time , much more I think my parents thought it would be . I ? m a lot older than my brother and sister so they don ? t remember that much about our previous house and so their experience of the move was a lot traumatic . Not only had the house been bigger , but it had been surrounded by fields . In the city , there was a hundred more traffic and as a result , I didn ? t have like as much freedom to play outside I'd had before .


too enough better lot

We moved because my parents felt that there weren't nearly opportunities for us kids in terms of education , so we would be much off in the city . However , I hated my new school because teachers were way strict . After a while , I liked living there , although I didn't tell my parents that until a later in life !