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Vocabulary (describing who people are)

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Outcomes, interm, unit 15

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Vocabulary (describing who people are)Versión en línea

Outcomes, interm, unit 15

por Анастасия Суклемина

ahead dominated former seen struggle civil whose discovered father against hero considered campaigned developed

Marie Curie was a Polish scientist who studied radiation and the radioactive substance polonium .

Nelson Mandela was a rights activist who for the rights of black people .

Kemal Ataturk led the liberation in Turkey and became a national .

Martina Navratilova is a Chech tennis player . She's by some as the greatest female athlete of all time . She completely the sport for many years .

Euclid was a Greek mathematician who is to be the of geometry . He was a genius and way of his time .

Pedro Alonso is a Spanish doctor who a vaccine malaria .

Salvador Dali was a Spanish artist most famous work is probably 'The Persistence of Memory " .

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