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Advanced Adjectives | Practice

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Advanced Adjectives | PracticeVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

evocative urgent elaborate far dexterous frivolous destitute dubious affluent

1 . Despite his background , he remains humble and approachable .
2 . The deprived neighborhood is in need of educational facilities .
3 . After the economic crisis , many found themselves and in need of aid .
4 . Her handling of the intricate machinery impressed her colleagues .
5 . The scientist was about the results of the experiment , prompting further tests .
6 . The decorations at the gala event were a sight to behold .
7 . The novel ? s descriptions brought the historical era to life .
8 . The idea seemed - fetched , but with enough resources , it could be possible .
9 . The court dismissed the lawsuit , citing a lack of substantial evidence .

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