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Fill in the Blanks: Sales, Trends, and More

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Test your knowledge of sales-related terms by filling in the blanks with key words from the text provided.

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Fill in the Blanks: Sales, Trends, and More

Test your knowledge of sales-related terms by filling in the blanks with key words from the text provided.

marco rabadan

Rise Fall Market Sales Improve Trend Figure Address Assure Concern

: The exchange of goods or services for money ; the act of selling products or services .

: A general direction in which something is developing or changing over time ; a tendency or inclination .

: To move upward or increase in level , amount , value , etc . ; the act of ascending or becoming higher .

: To move downward or decrease in level , amount , value , etc . ; the act of descending or becoming lower .

: To make or become better in quality , condition , or value ; to enhance or progress positively .

: A numerical symbol , especially one denoting an amount or quantity ; a numerical value or representation .

: ( verb ) To deal with or discuss a matter or problem ; to give attention to ; ( noun ) the particulars of the location where someone lives or an organization is situated .

: To guarantee or promise something with confidence ; to make someone feel confident or secure about something .

: ( verb ) To cause worry or be of importance to someone ; to be relevant or significant ; ( noun ) a matter or issue that causes worry , anxiety , or interest .

: ( noun ) A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of goods ; the demand for or supply of goods or services ; ( verb ) to promote or advertise something for sale .