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Fill in the Blanks: Treaty of Versailles

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Fill in the missing words from the Treaty of Versailles text. Test your knowledge of history and diplomacy!

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Fill in the Blanks: Treaty of Versailles

Fill in the missing words from the Treaty of Versailles text. Test your knowledge of history and diplomacy!

Lyn Abdul Hameed

Wilson Fourteen disagreed disarmament peace Woodrow of self League determination Nations

At the opening of the Paris Peace Conference , President Poincaré said : ? We are here to stop it happening again ? . This was the most important thing for . He wanted to make the world safe for democracy by making a fair and permanent . His Points laid out what he wanted ? including ( so there would be less weapons in the world ) , a ( where countries could talk out their problems ) and - ( so people could seek their own governments and states ) . Because the Big Three over so much about the treaty , it was unlikely any of them would get everything they wanted . However , each of their countries gained from what was agreed .


reparations splitting invaded France Rhineland Tiger Germany punish

Clemenceau ( nickname : the ) wanted a treaty to the Germans . He wanted to weaken Germany , so France would never be again , by setting high enough to destroy Germany ? s economy , and by up Germany so that the was an independent country ( and a barrier between and ) .


war Clemenceau Germany trade British France Wilson

Lloyd George , too , said he wanted to ? make pay ? ? but only because he knew that was what people wanted to hear . He wanted ? justice ? , but he did not want the kind of ? hard justice ? sought by ( which he thought would cause another in 25 years time ) . Instead , he tried to get a ? halfway point ? ? a compromise between and . Like most delegates , Lloyd George wanted to use the Treaty of Versailles to get advantages for his own country . In particular , he wanted to get going again ( this was why he did not want Germany destroyed economically ) .


demilitarisation blame reparations Clemenceau

There were many important reasons why was satisfied with the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference . France was protected by German disarmament and the of the Rhineland . Germany had to pay to France . They had to accept the for the war .


Poland Czechoslovakia's naval Congress Rhineland Britain America reparations Wilson France Yugoslavia supremacy Czechoslovakia Woodrow

President was pleased that his idea for a League of Nations was written into the peace treaties . He was glad the treaties forced the defeated countries to disarm and that Germany did not lose the or have to pay unreasonably high . He was also very happy about the creation of the self - determined states of , and . However , there was no self - determination for the people of Germany and Austria , who could not unite , or for the Germans living in Sudetenland . , and Japan controlled many of Germany's former colonies , even though these were supposed to be run by the League of Nations . Wilson's idea for the freedom of the seas was abandoned as Britain now had . However , the worst disappointment of the peace settlement for Wilson was that refused to accept it . was entering a period of isolationism and withdrew from world affairs .