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A2 Telephone 2 - Difficult situations

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A2 Telephone 2 - Difficult situationsVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps to create phrases

por Richard Davenport

Excuse reason disappointed wait afraid hole noticed time contacting

me , I'm a bit with the quality of the fruit .
I'm I'm having a problem with my internet connection .
The I'm you is because my order hasn't arrived yet .
I that my new shirt has a in it .
I'm not very happy with the at the restaurant .


inconvenient hoping heard appreciate complaint could confirm

This is quite , as I need the phone for work .
I was you help me track down my package .
I would it if you could replace the damaged item .
Just to , you mentioned I would receive a refund within a week ?
I haven't back from you yet about my regarding the noisy neighbors .


describe detail tell more understand frustration apologize

I your about the long wait time .
I for the inconvenience this has caused you with your order .
Can you me a bit about what happened with the product ?
Could you please the issue with your internet service in more ?


into assist else help assure options prefer

I can certainly you with that . Here are a few for getting your refund processed .
We can definitely look resolving this for you . Would you a replacement for the damaged shirt or a repair ?
I can you that we will take care of this issue as soon as possible and keep you updated .
Is there anything I can you with today regarding your complaint ?

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