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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Carreras en "Diseño"

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logos self packaging animator multimedia freelance signage illustrator stationery taught

1 . A ( n ) designer creates symbols , emblems , or words , used for identification or as a means of giving directions or warning .

2 . A ( n ) creates multiple images , known as frames , which give an illusion of movement called animation when displayed in rapid sequence .

3 . Louise is a ( n ) - interior designer . Without the aid of any kind of formal instruction , she learnt on her own how to enhance the inside of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space .

4 . He is a ( n ) designer , which means he does not have a steady job in a company , but rather sells his work or services to employers as needed .

5 . Emma is a designer : she devises ways to enclose or protect products for distribution , storage , sale and use .

6 . This famous graphic designer specializes in the creation of , i . e . graphic marks , emblems , or symbols used to promote public identification of a company .

7 . This designer pays special attention to ( writing materials , such as pens , pencils , paper , envelopes , etc . ) since he considers it an important part of a company's visual identity .

8 . I have always enjoyed creating drawings for the stories I read , so I am contemplating becoming a ( n ) .

9 . A ( n ) developer works with motion , sound , and / or interactivity .