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57 Song: Sugar

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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57 Song: SugarVersión en línea

Listen and complete the spaces.

por Peter Reilly

broken there baby away sweetness something show wanna loving just your please sympathy wanna right where killing knees little sugar alright without really deep Need

I'm hurting , baby , I'm down
I need your , loving , I need it now
When I'm you
I'm weak
You got me begging
Begging , I'm on my

I don't be needing love
I wanna be in your love
And it's me when you're
Ooh , ,
'Cause I don't care you are
I just be where you are
And I gotta get one taste

Yes ,
Won't you come and put it down on me
I'm here , 'cause I need
Little love and little
Yeah you me good loving
Make it
a little in my life
Your sugar
Yes , please
Won't you come and put it down on m e

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