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Phrasal Verbs B1 | Practice

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Phrasal Verbs B1 | PracticeVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

out over on brought down up calm gave cheer

1 . Sarah came with the flu , so she had to miss work for a few days .
2 . It's amazing how quickly he can come with solutions to complex problems .
3 . You can always count your family to support you in difficult times .
4 . It took me a long time to get my fear of spiders .
5 . During the interview , the interviewer up my previous work experience .
6 . When he gets angry , it's hard for him to down quickly .
7 . I tried to her up by taking her out for ice cream .
8 . Unfortunately , they fell with their neighbors after a disagreement over noise levels .
9 . Despite facing many challenges , she never up on her dream of becoming a doctor .

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