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cash flow and accounting

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martin t14

cash flow and accounting


flow gross income rates go expense shareholders cash go corporate interest term dividend figures of repayment survive shares net business balance tax profitable cash waste out deductions discount owe revenue issue increase income bankrupt long purchase decrease loan statement

- descuento
to - quedar en bancarrota , arruinarse
- préstamo
to - sobrevivir
- gasto
- salario , sueldo , ingresos
to - deber
- reembolso
- - a largo plazo
- ingresos
- saldo de caja
to - quebrar ( una empresa )
- estado de flujo de caja
to - emitir acciones
- impuesto de sociedades
- dividendo
- tasa / tipo de interés
to - desperdiciar , malgastar
- accionista
- cifras , números
- disminución
- deducciones
- bruto / a
- aumento
- neto / a
- lucrativo / a , rentable
- adquisición , compr a


property own of equity current debt balance payable expenses equivalent current accounts share in debtors accounts retained sign creditors investor stock accrued sheet assets worth out earnings net turnover liabilities merchandise stock composition non

- inversor / a
- volumen de venta
- pasivo ( money owned by a company )
- mercadería , mercancía
- bienes
- patrimonio neto
- ganancias retenidas
- valor neto
- deuda
- gastos acumulados
capital - capital social
receivable - cuentas por cobrar
- cuentas por pagar
- acreedor / a
- deudores
- actual
- propiedad
- con existencias
- equivalente
- composición
- señal
- - inactual , no actual
to - poseer , tener , ser dueño / a de
- agotado / a
- hoja de balance financiero / de situación


revenue bankrupt survive Long issue income balance business repayment tax out shares corporate discount cash go expenses of cash go term owe flow loan income statement

I got a on my purchase thanks to a special promotion .
Many businesses due to financial problems .
She took out a to start her own business .
Despite facing challenges , the company managed to its economic problems .
We need to be concious of our to stay within budget .
His has increased significantly since he started his new job .
I my friend some money for the concert tickets .
I received a after returning the bag I had bought .
- planning is essential for sustainable growth .
The company's has been steadily increasing over the past year .
Our at June 30 , 2010 was $178 million .
Unfortunately , the store next to my house had to due to its lack of sales .
The provides insights into the company's financial health .
The company decided to to raise funds for its expansion plans .
The is paid by some associations and institutions .


deductions dividends waste decrease investor increased Liabilities Shareholders merchandise profitable net Gross turnover interest rates purchased

play a crucial role in making decisions within a company .
Changes in can impact borrowing and investing decisions .
It's important not to money in a business .
Shareholders are entitled to receive from the company's profits .
The financial report indicates a in sales ; we lost money .
income represents total earnings before deductions .
Streaming platforms like Netflix its subscriptions during the pandemic .
I earn $50 , 000 gross , but my income ( = income that is left after tax has been paid ) is about $36 , 000 .
Over the years McDonald's has developed into a highly business .
She her first house last year .
A New York offered to acquire the company's shares for $13 each .
The of the company's inventory is quite high .
represent the money owed by a company to creditors .
The store received new for the holiday season .
The net salary is the result of the gross salary without all the .


assets owns Debtors payable expenses Accounts in earnings capital net current Retained worth of stock Share out debt property Equity composition receivable stock Accounts sign equivalent Creditors Accrued balance

The cash and the properties of a company are .
represents the net worth of a company .
are profits that have been reinvested in the business .
Calculating involves subtracting liabilities from assets .
I have a of 300 ? because I didn't pay my rent last month .
are costs that have been incurred but not yet paid .
is the amount of money invested by shareholders in a company .
represent money owed to a company by its customers .
are debts that a company owes to its suppliers .
are individuals or entities to whom a company owes money .
are individuals or entities who owe money to a company .
The year is 2024 .
I have just bought a house . It is my .
The store is currently of the popular item because a lot of people came to buy it .
Is 50$ to 50 ? ?
The of the company's staff reflects diversity .
The indicated that the store was closed for renovations .
He several properties in the downtown area .
The new product is currently , because we have just received a new delivery .
The sheet showed the company's financial position .