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Rami: Sentences/Fill the Gaps

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Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. they are all terms you have in your Quizlet spring vocabulary set.

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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Rami: Sentences/Fill the GapsVersión en línea

Fill the gaps in the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. they are all terms you have in your Quizlet spring vocabulary set.

por Marietta Chela

analyze ensure temporary decided suppliers give meet requirements subsidiary orders do analysis at

1 . Before making any decisions , it's crucial to conduct a thorough of the market trends .
2 . As a manager , you'll need to the performance of your team regularly to ensure efficiency .
3 . Our company receives direct from our clients .
4 . Our in Europe handles distribution in that region .
5 . As the project manager , you'll have to a lot of work to the deadline .
6 . We hired workers to help with the seasonal demand .
7 . It's impressive how they managed to complete the project such short notice .
8 . After evaluating all the options , we to expand our operations internationally .
9 . Meeting the set by the Finnish Defence Forces is essential for Millog .
10 . Next week , I have to a speech at the conference on strategic services .
11 . We must that all products meet quality standards before they are shipped .
12 . Our company works closely with to provide raw materials on time .

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