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Identifying purpose and audience in texts: post activity

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Identifying purpose and audience in texts: post activity

Identifica la audiencia o el propósito de cada texto, según sea el caso.

CAAFI 8 servicio social

research promote professional prepare for Audience how entertain inform interviews practice

10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
Preparing for a job interview ? Here are 10 tips to help you succeed : research the company , dress professionally , practice common interview questions , arrive early , make eye contact , etc .
Purpose : To readers about to job .


outdoor landmarks promote Purpose wonders Travel readers nature inform enthusiasts entertain Audience

Top 5 Destinations for Nature Lovers
Calling all nature lovers ! Explore the wonders of the great outdoors with these top 5 destinations : Yellowstone National Park , The Great Barrier Reef , Amazon Rainforest , etc .
- : To about famous .
- : interested in destinations .


hate superhero adventurers women advertures enjoy Children dogs

The Adventures of Super Dog
Super Dog is here to save the day ! With lightning - fast speed and super strength , Super Dog battles villains and protects the city from danger . Join Super Dog on thrilling adventures as he fights for justice and defends the innocent !
Audience : who stories .


Audience Environmental resources advocates Purpose wildlife

The Importance of Recycling
Text : Recycling plays a crucial role in preserving our environment . By recycling materials like paper , plastic , and glass , we can reduce pollution , conserve resources , and protect wildlife habitats . Let's all do our part to recycle and create a cleaner , greener planet !
- : activists and .


hydrated mislead staying water insignificance importance inform temperature

The Benefits of Drinking Water
Water is essential for our bodies to function properly . It helps regulate body temperature , aids in digestion , and flushes out toxins . Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain your overall health .
- Purpose : To readers about the of .