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Vocabulary B1

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Vocabulary B1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

over confusing touching disgusting ashamed down bring up boring delighted

1 . I felt when I realized I had forgotten my friend's birthday .
2 . She managed to come with a creative solution to the problem .
3 . The lecture was so that I struggled to stay awake .
4 . She found the instructions and had to ask for help .
5 . I was to hear that I got the job I applied for .
6 . The garbage left on the street was and smelled awful .
7 . I think I'm coming with a cold ; my throat feels scratchy .
8 . During the meeting , she decided to up the topic of employee morale .
9 . It took him a while , but he finally got his fear of public speaking .
10 . The movie's ending was so that it moved me to tears .

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