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Apology Fill in the Blanks

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Fill in the blanks with words related to apologies and reconciliation in this interactive game.

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Apology Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with words related to apologies and reconciliation in this interactive game.

marco rabadan

apologize my take accept apology the responsibility assistance overlook sincere amends make wrong bring fault it the excuse up in blame

1 . I for missing the deadline . My only is that I didn ? t know it had been changed .
2 . John and Peter really messed up the proposal presentation . At first , neither of them wanted to , but then they talked about it and apologized to each other , so they were able to .
3 . I accept your , but in the future it ? s really important that you read all of the presentation guidelines carefully . It ? s crucial that you don ? t the details .
4 . You ? re , Amanda . You have to and move on . No excuses !
5 . Mr . Danes called me . He said you didn ? t return his most recent phone call and asked me to with you . You should call and give him a apology . He ? s one of our oldest clients .
6 . Hello , I ? m calling because I need technical . I don ? t understand the new email software , and I accidentally just deleted it from my computer ! I know it ? s and I ? m sorry , but can you send someone to look at it ?