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Adjectives B1

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Adjectives B1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

confusing encouraging confused relieved disgusted monotonous exhausting moved embarrassed delighted disgusting ashamed

1 . She felt deeply after realizing she had spread a rumor that was untrue .
2 . I will be when this challenging project is finally complete .
3 . The lecture was so that I couldn ? t help feeling bored .
4 . The contradictory directions left me completely about how to proceed .
5 . The plot of the movie was so that I had to watch it several times to understand it .
6 . He was to find out that his lost pet had been found safe and sound .
7 . She was by the lack of cleanliness in the restaurant ? s kitchen .
8 . The amount of waste produced by the event was truly .
9 . He was when he tripped on stage during the performance .
10 . The teacher ? s words helped the student regain confidence in her abilities .
11 . After the hike , all they wanted was to rest and replenish their energy .
12 . The audience was deeply by the musician ? s heartfelt performance .

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