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Adjectives B1

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Adjectives B1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

independent confident selfish stubborn friendly patient honest anxiety

1 . The night before the concert , she felt a flutter of , like butterflies dancing in her stomach .
2 . To maintain the integrity of our financial reporting , we expect all employees to be in their documentation and communication .
3 . She's very and likes to do things on her own .
4 . You need to be when learning a new skill ; it takes time .
5 . Despite his quiet demeanor , he's quite self - in his abilities .
6 . When someone only thinks about their own benefits and ignores others ? needs , they are being .
7 . Even though everyone suggested a new method , he was and refused to change the way he worked .
8 . She's always and ready to help out whenever she can .

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