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por Tea Cher

casually trip boss ailing medical funeral vacation personal sick country 15 situation moving flu manager ache father exact

A day is , technically , not a day , and it ? s not taken when you ? re home with the . It may be used for a procedure , a day or a day to visit your grandmother . Attending a , of course , is no one ? s idea of vacation , and so this too would be considered a standard personal day . How much detail you give when you take one of these days depends on the . Just as you don ? t need to give your a play - by - play of your stomach , you also don ? t need to tell him a long story of why you ? re attending the funeral of an elementary school classmate ? s even though you haven ? t seen her or her father for at least years . While they may all seem the same to you ( you ? re off for the day ) , the differences tend to be more about how your and team interprets them . When you return from a vacation day , people tend to ask you how it went . However , a personal day can be just that , something more personal that you ? re less likely to be asked about , even . In addition , it ? s less likely to be planned way ahead of time ( like a out of the would be ) , yet it wouldn ? t be as last minute as a day .

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